
john white

Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.

— Carl Jung

the Awakened heARTIST

Hello, my name is John White and I’m a 42 year old dad, entrepreneur, artist, amateur blogger and podcaster. Born and raised in Toledo, Ohio, near the Great Lakes in the United States. I am lucky enough to be the father of two amazing boys, who I love more then anything in the world. I love music, creativity, gardening, sports, whiskey, nature and deep conversation about weird shit. Who I am or who I’ve become is so much more then just these few details.

I created this blog and podcast “the Awakened heARTIST” to tell a story. A story of how I rose from the bottom to overcome death and adversity to awaken my true authentic self. Through this story and my experiences I intend on giving others a blueprint. A road map on how they can find their own happiness!

true self awakening


Since I was a year old, death has pretty much been a constant. I’ve lost 16 family members and 6 friends in 40 years. The toughest was losing my mom unexpectedly in 2018 at the age of 57. Prior to losing my mom in 2017 my Dad went into a coma for 3 months. He overcame a less then 10% chance to live, to ultimately pass away in 2020 at the age of 64. Losing so many people I love deeply has changed me! I’ve become strong, with a softer more appreciative side while being optimistic.

Jumping back to my childhood, all the death lead to a unique early life experience! This would open doors to drugs, alcohol, poor decisions and a pessimistic outlook on life. Being an empathetic person, I became a chameleon, becoming whoever I needed to be to see people smile. Without a positive male mentor in my life, I struggled to be comfortable in my own skin and mind.


Then in 2015 my life changed, a spiritual “Awakening” occurred! I met a medium and she gave me a reading that opened a door in my mind. This started me on a roller coaster or spiritual journey that would change my world. Along the way I’ve learned so much about life, the universe and myself. I can see how unbalanced I was mentally and energetically. I had wounds that turned to scars and they needed to be healed. My life was all about survival, a me against the world mentality. I didn’t believe that the universe could work for me and couldn’t trust anything unless it was proven to me (people as well). Noticing or realizing all of this was just the first step.


Going into 2022, I’ve accomplished and changed so much! Almost three years ago I quite smoking after 25 years. I cut my drinking down from 3 nights a week to one. My credit score has went from terrible to excellent. For the first time in my life I paid off a newer vehicle in less then seven years. And in 2022 I will be buying my first house all on my own!

My biggest accomplishment has been growing a successful business without any background in business or schooling just hard work and research. This business has given me so much. I make my own schedule so I have ample time to spend with my kids when I or they need it, a financial freedom I’ve never experienced and a sense of pride I’ve never felt. I am able to provide my boys with the opposite environment that i grew up in. Even with the recent loss of my parents my mental health is the best its ever been!



Through my podcast and blogs, I want to help others overcome things that I had to figure out on my own. Over the past six years I’ve documented so much of my journey and now its time to share it with the world.

I learned how to see patterns, synchronicities, understand dreams and use creativity for healing and meditation. I’m now more mindful which has helped me become more patient and appreciative of life’s finer moments. I now understand that communication is not just about expressing yourself but being equally as good a listener. I realized unconditional love is just that, love without conditions. And the most important lesson, we are all ONE! Understanding that all life is connected changes the way you look at everyday life!

The Future

I eventually would like to offer a mentor-ship program for those that are interested. I will also be selling art prints as well. Through all my hard work, I have not only healed myself but I’ve also found myself. I’ve found my purpose and what makes me happy. Now that I have all I need, I would like to help others have the same! There’s so much more that I learned and cant wait to share with you. My journey may have begun 7 years ago but there’s so much more I will accomplish. I am far from perfect and with so many lessons to work on. At the end of the day I’m just a dude who just wants everyone to smile! Join me on my continued journey, find inspiration, to find your own truth!

the awakened heartist logo

I discuss:

  • Identity
  • Mental & Physical Health
  • Grief
  • Unstable Childhood
  • Pessimism
  • Drugs & Alcohol
  • Finding a Mentor
  • Poverty

Some of the subjects I’ll discuss (rationally):

  • Spirituality (especially what that looks like for men)
  • Reincarnation
  • Metaphysics
  • Dreams
  • Astrology
  • Mediumship
  • Chakra’s
  • Law of One
  • ET’s or Light Beings
  • Afterlife

*I would like to make it very clear that I am in no way a doctor of any sort, I’m just a dude. I am also not here to replace any medical attention you receive, again I’m just a dude. This website along with my podcast, is strictly to tell my story, opinions and thoughts.