My Spiritual Awakening: Part One, The Reading

awakening within

Awakenings, Mediums and Aliens Oh My

An awakening can mean many things to many people but I believe it’s a shift in vibration, a sudden change in your beliefs. Which results in a breaking down of your way of life, to live the way that feels right within your soul, spirit or true self.

In 2015 my girlfriend Kristin went out for an all girls night Mediumship party and met a medium named Jodi. She came home talking about how amazing it was. How accurate Jodi was and it brought her to tears. I had always been intrigued in death, Mediumship, psychic phenomena and metaphysics, so now I was interested!

spiritual awakening

Metaphysics were always around growing up, my Grandmother (my Father’s Mother) was a well known psychic. During my teenage years she was the psychic on a very popular morning radio show in Toledo. I would later find we shared a connection to a house I lived in the 90’s. She told me she use to visit the house in the 1970’s to communicate with what I call beings in different dimensions, better known as aliens. What’s even weirder than that, is they use to communicate with them in a room that would later become my bedroom.

My First Message from Spirit

After hearing all Kristin had to say I talked with my sister Jessica about doing the same. Now I grew up in what we’ll call a Catholic environment. My Mom went to Catholic schools but was not a practicing Catholic. So naturally my beliefs were based in Catholicism. As mentioned before I was into the unknown plus open minded but still VERY skeptical.

So we got a group of family and friends together and had our first gallery reading in December of 2015. In the reading a friend of mine who had recently passed due to a very unexpected accident came through. He and I worked together and become close friends previous to me starting my business. He was a little over ten years younger then me and I thought of him as my protege. I thought of him as a brother, a younger, wiser version of me. Shortly before he passed we discussed working together in the future. So his message was fitting, he just wanted to let me know he would be around to help me with my business.

The Reading That Changed it All

About the time I booked the gallery I also booked a personal reading. Besides the obvious, the difference between the two is time. In a gallery you get about a 10 minute reading and a personal last over an hour. The gallery reading was eye opening but it didn’t affect me like the experience that would follow.

awakening reading

It’s January 5th 2016, the day I had been waiting for. Jodi begins the reading with, “There’s a woman and a man that have been waiting for you.” I still get chills thinking about this! The woman she said, steps forward first and Jodi starts to identify her. Now Mediums work in different ways and Jodi particularly, can feel in her body how they died. She immediately described pain in her head asking if I had someone who died with something of the brain. I replied yes, then she began to describe her and it was my grandma who past away when i was 12.

The funny thing was I had gotten my Grandmother (lung cancer) and my Grandfather (brain cancer) deaths switched around. But she was right because my Grandma’s actual cause of death was a brain aneurysm, which I did not know.

The Mind Blowing Part

The part of the reading that really got me was something that no one, I mean no one, ever knew! Jodi asked me about the significance of chicken nuggets, we both laughed, then boom it hit me! When I was younger I would get to stay by myself at my Grandmas house occasionally. I would get treated like royalty, well what a poor kid considered royalty! She would take me to McDonald’s and get me chicken nuggets. It still makes me smile, it was our one thing that no one else shared with us. And again McDonald’s was not a place we went to unless it was a birthday party, so it was special.

Sunflower Awakening

As the reading continued she connected with a few other family members that had past on. Each time I realized who it was, I was flooded with emotion, feeling their presence. You gotta understand at this point in my life I had known nothing but being a hard-ass. Showing emotion, let alone in front of someone was just something I didn’t do. Afterwards I was so moved and intrigued that I wanted to know more! I needed to understand how all this worked! As I left, I asked Jodi, “Where can I learn more, do you teach? I even asked if we could hang out, I didn’t have much of a filter.

The Beginning of Something New

This reading changed something in me, created an awakening. I wanted to know everything there was about mediumship. How it worked, why could only certain people access the other side, etc. More importantly it meant that there was life after death. And around that time I considered myself Agnostic, so this was huge. It meant I would be able to see all my family and friends again. I could communicate with them daily. They even gave me a sign to know they were around and this relaxed me. It started to break down a wall that I had built around my heart. Oh and that wall was just blocking the moat, the fortress would be the real challenge!


  1. Did you later ever find out what your Grandma was communicating with the Aliens about or did you ever have My weird experiences in that room?

    1. No she just told me that she would go on their ships telepathically in the little closet room I slept in. Creepy, right but no nothing besides electronics going haywire. I also have had really fucked up dreams since I was little so something could of happened I brushed off as the norm.

    2. John’s gramma had frequent contact with extra-terrestrials as long as I knew her. She often visited with them on their ships. She was told of future events on earth and in other universes/dimensions, the relationships among the different races, how some were helping us and others were creating drama. She wanted to write a book about her life and it would have been a great read!

      1. Thanks Aunt Terri, this is a subject that we only talked about once or maybe twice. So it’s great to hear others thoughts about her! Especially you because of how close you were with her!

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