My Spiritual Awakening: Part Two, Signs and Synchronicities

signs or synchronicities butterfly for change

Signs and Synchronicities

After the gallery reading we had in December of 2015 my sister Jessica and I became interested in spirituality. She had the same curiosity I did, along with the skepticism. We started discussing everything about life after death, awakenings and how it all worked. We would call each other to talk about signs and synchronicities or everything in our lives that was changing. Every phone call gave me chills, it was one Ah-Ha moment after another! It is was also at this point that I started a journal and the first thing I wrote was, “Day 1 Let go!!!”

Connection With Jessica

Having my sister on the same page was important for me because of how skeptical I was. I also needed the validation because of how much I doubted myself. I needed her and would later realize how big of a roll she played in my new journey.

John White signs synchronicities

Throughout 2016 my sister and I became very close. I’ve always been close with all my siblings but my baby sister and I are ten years apart. This helped form a special bond we would continue to have till this day. And for what was about to happen in the years to come, we needed it!

The Dream

That first year we also got to know Jodi. It may have started with that first reading but it really began on our trip to Lily Dale. June of 2016, I have a very vivid dream which would be another big sign and synchronicity. I’m in this very old nature oriented place. There was a town hall, church, gift shop and library. The library had an old card catalog that I was going through and I could see all my major life events documented. Jodi was there and she was my teacher. While the whole time this man is acting nuts, bouncing around every where and pushing me.

So I called Jodi and told her about it. I described the man and the dream! She said, “I know him,” and continued to describe him. I mean it was crazy how accurate she was. She then said, “I’m going to this place called Lily Dale, were he is giving a coarse on understanding dreams and his name was John White.” Again I was blown away how could I dream about this guy I never met and he has the same name as me!

Lily Dale

Jodi invited Jessica and I to go with her and we said why not! This was an eye opening experience that opened my mind further. I went to this magical place incorporated back in 1879 as a camp for spiritualist and freethinkers, now a place were only mediums could live. You could walk the streets, go up to their doorsteps and schedule a reading. There were gallery readings in the woods with numerous mediums, a sweat lodge, healing temple and a unique fairy trail. Not to mention we visited all the places in my dream.

Then there was this old Victorian style bed in breakfast that we stayed at, the Cherry Creek Inn! It was amazing, it had a 225 sq foot hot tub building, a fire pit outside and an amazing library with all kinds of unique items from around the world. Jessica, Jodi and I experimented with remote viewing, tarot and we had a very life changing moment that still gives me chills. Lets just say we were playing around and someone very, VERY high vibration joined us!

The Circle

I came home from Lily Dale changed, wanting to open up, discover myself, heal wounds and be who I was meant to be. Even with everything I had learned to this point, I still had no idea how to make these radical changes. So for the next year I continued to get more readings and research everything I could daily. Jodi, Jessica and I also started what we call a Circle with a close friend of Jodi’s, Carmen.

Signs or Synchronicities Burning Sage for Energy Cleansing

So what is this Circle, its just basically the four of us getting together and experimenting with everything weird. With Jodi leading the way at first she taught us how to communicate as a Medium. We would give each other readings, finding each of our own unique abilities to tune into the other side. I for example learned that these metaphors, pictures or thoughts would just pop in my mind. And didn’t realize until then that this had been happening all my life.

Let the Games Begin

As time went on our Circle turned into metaphysical game nights. Sometimes there is healing, learning, laughs or all three. We always start with a ceremony of grounding, sage, palo santo and a meditation. The meditations are always my favorite part because usually cool shit happens for me when I’m around others meditating. Then Jodi typically does a tarot spread for the group followed by fun time.

Our get together’s are mostly centered around mediumship. We’ve gotten together for some of the solstices and have a ritual fire. One night we did cord cutting on each other which I was terrible at. Most recently we got to help out on a paranormal investigation, something I would love to do more of!

signs or synchronicities

Then there is the mediumship painting, this is how my painting began. The first time we tried, Jodi had a bunch of paint supplies and newspaper out when we got to her house. She explained that we were going to tune into spirit and let them do the painting. When we were done we would all interpret each others paintings. I was so nervous, not trusting in myself and also being very skeptical. Jodi explained the trick was when our mind started to analyze, we had to close our eyes, breathe, clear our mind and start again.

Hello Creativity

Now I am a very left brained, analytical person. So this painting was tough, I kept finding myself looking at the others, trying to see what the hell they were doing. Then close my eyes, breathe, clear my mind and start again. Needless to say I was the last to finish. I didn’t know what the hell I did, it looked like a bunch of black and red with white over top, a complete mess. Then when they started to interpret it, they seen a whole scene with a dragon burning all of these beings on boats and their souls rising up from the ashes (click on the images below).

I have to admit I was pretty impressed and wanted to try it again. The next day I went to the store and spent all kinds of money on art supply’s. I had found a way to turn off this monkey mind and create something unique. It gave me access to a different side of me. This was huge for my journey because it helped me balance myself. I found a way to balance both sides, the left and right brain also my masculine and feminine energies.

The moment I stopped being a child and needing to be a man I sacrificed my imagination to become that man. I remember being twelve thinking no more action figures or building forts. That shits for little boys, whats up with cigarettes, music and girls. Sadly enough from then on I think the only way I accessed my imagination was through movies or building something.

Plant Life

So the painting was huge for me because around the same time my love for growing plants got a little nuts. It first became an obsession with aloe plants, then I started experimenting. I would get a new species whenever I seen one that felt right or had a cheap price tag. I just wanted to learn about it individually understand its specific needs and move on to the next challenge. It gave me a way to create and care for life while bringing nature indoors year round which helps me tremendously in the cold winter months.

My love for plants really got crazy with the gardening (above). I’ve gotten to the point now where I start almost all my garden from seed and when they die, I collect he seeds to start over. I just started composting and love learning about soil. I’ve also dabbled in wood carving, wood burning, making dude jewelry and whatever seems interesting to me at the moment. This is where I give a shot out to all the You-tubers that have inspired my creativity, thanks everyone! From the painting to the gardening, it all gives me a way to express my creative side or my inner grandma and that shit makes me happy!